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(Deutsch) Fodele – kretische Badebucht
Photogallery – Santorini
Photogallery – Santorini
Photogallery – Hiddensee
Photogallery – Hiddensee
Already during the ride on 2,8 km long and between 128 Rügenbrücke high pylons Leaving the mainland. The construction of the new road will change the island of Ruegen term. In Schaprode, the Fährost to Hiddensee, you still feel the authenticity. Here the car stops, it goes on only by ferry. Many take their bicycle. However, there are everywhere low wheels to rent in all variants. The crossing takes about 25 minutes to Neuendorf. The ferry then heads for the Continue reading “Photogallery – Hiddensee”